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Found 48656 results for any of the keywords ants consulting. Time 0.017 seconds.
Big Data AntsCertificate is the tool to recognize you as a Big data professional, so we’ll provide certificate from ANTS in association with NSDC after successful completion of the course.
ABOUT US AntsWebsite: Ants Consulting and Services Pvt.Ltd. Is actively working to create a nationwide network of centres that provide high quality vocational education
CONTACT US AntsWebsite: Ants Consulting and Services Pvt.Ltd. Is actively working to create a nationwide network of centres that provide high quality vocational education
NEWS AntsWebsite: Ants Consulting and Services Pvt.Ltd. Is actively working to create a nationwide network of centres that provide high quality vocational education
Skilling AntsWebsite: Ants Consulting and Services Pvt.Ltd. Is actively working to create a nationwide network of centres that provide high quality vocational education
Placement AntsWebsite: Ants Consulting and Services Pvt.Ltd. Is actively working to create a nationwide network of centres that provide high quality vocational education
Ants we train the youth to meet the challengesAt ANTS we train the youth to meet the challenges that they may face in their journey of life. There is a general lack of understanding about teaching and training. Therefore we have developed a training model that has a
COURSES AntsCourse/Role Description: Individual on the job provides patient care and helps maintain a suitable environment. Some of the key responsibilities of the General Duty Assistant are to provide patient’s daily care, patient’
TEAM AntsAnts has touched the life of over 125,000 youth and helped them to have respectable life with skill development, employment in various sectors and great career growth. Our leadership is focussed to provide innovative way
CAREERS Ants“If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.”
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